
We’ve lost our way…

What the hell has this sub become? I loved this movement at the start because it was about striving for a Equitable, Just, and Healthy relationship with labor. It was about highlighting unjust and illegal actions. It was about empowering laborers. Now? This sub is just about internet clout for workplace gripes and fantasy quitting stories. We've turned managers into the top of the food chain like theyre not exploited laborers themselves. We've cheered on people's petty squabbles that grown ass adults should be able to resolve through effective communication. Weve made every workplace task that isnt printed on a work contract akin to indentured servitude. Its pathetic and were hurting ourselves by making all work place interactions combative and drawing lines in the sand that cant be resolved. There's little to no empathy or respect for anyone in the story except the main character. We know people lie and…

What the hell has this sub become? I loved this movement at the start because it was about striving for a Equitable, Just, and Healthy relationship with labor. It was about highlighting unjust and illegal actions. It was about empowering laborers.

Now? This sub is just about internet clout for workplace gripes and fantasy quitting stories. We've turned managers into the top of the food chain like theyre not exploited laborers themselves. We've cheered on people's petty squabbles that grown ass adults should be able to resolve through effective communication. Weve made every workplace task that isnt printed on a work contract akin to indentured servitude. Its pathetic and were hurting ourselves by making all work place interactions combative and drawing lines in the sand that cant be resolved. There's little to no empathy or respect for anyone in the story except the main character. We know people lie and justify their actions, yet post on antiwork and everyone just believes your manager was a narcissistic asshole to poor angel OP.

One of todays top posts is about someone ghosting their work instead of just formally quitting. No justification, just that the manager was a boomer. And people are cheering this shit on and lapping up the drama like its true houswives or some shit.

Im all about workers rights and upending an exploitative system. But this isnt it. This is the equivalent of griping at the bubbler. Everyones an idiot except me. I do everything here while no one else does anything. My boss asked me to do something I dont normally do, can you believe the audacity of this bitch?

Im sure this will be met with downvotes and cries of “capitalist bot” but y'all really need to question whether the direction of this sub is actually helping you or changing anything for the better. I dont see it. I think its creating an unhealthy combative relationship amongst people. Its just turning into a cesspool of stories about people who have terrible communication skills and cant maintain respectful adult relationships. There are good posts highlighting true worplace issues, but those feel few and far between now. Antiwork had a goal and a mission but now its just workplace gripes with no bigger vision and i belive like most social media its marring people's actual reality.

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