
My Boss Is A Bad Person

I posted screenshots a few weeks back about my lovely general manager, in the time between then and now I have moved to part-time because I couldn’t deal with her. I decided that this most recent thing was the last straw and I didn’t think someone could be this awful. My girlfriends apartment caught fire and our cat was home, we were at the Vet ER for 9 hours watching her fight for her life before she finally passed and the place is now unlivable. The night it happened she was aware and then the next day I obviously called out and said I needed a few days off(I thought it would be understandable due to losing the entire place, apparently not). She texted back saying someone else called out and we cannot operate with 2 call offs that day. I replied that I’m sorry if my home burning is…

I posted screenshots a few weeks back about my lovely general manager, in the time between then and now I have moved to part-time because I couldn’t deal with her.

I decided that this most recent thing was the last straw and I didn’t think someone could be this awful. My girlfriends apartment caught fire and our cat was home, we were at the Vet ER for 9 hours watching her fight for her life before she finally passed and the place is now unlivable.

The night it happened she was aware and then the next day I obviously called out and said I needed a few days off(I thought it would be understandable due to losing the entire place, apparently not). She texted back saying someone else called out and we cannot operate with 2 call offs that day.

I replied that I’m sorry if my home burning is an inconvenience for her. She doubled down and said it’s not, but me calling out multiple times a week is(I haven’t called out in over a month, and am also part time now).

Next time I’m scheduled to work I’m gonna do what I saw someone else do when asked where they’re at, “I’m in the bathroom I’ll be up there in 5”, “I’m here haven’t u seen me?” Etc.

It is so unfortunate that people like this exist, let alone have any sort of power over anything.

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