
Full-Time with Benefits to Per-diem without Benefits

Hey there everybody! I work as a tissue recovery technician at a tissue procurement agency. Given the nature of our job, all of our shifts are on call. We work four days a week, twelve hour shifts. We sometimes go to away hospitals out of state, and in those cases we always get overtime. As of right now, we get paid hourly $18.50/hr), regardless of whether or not we get called in to perform tissue recovery. I would say that every week there’s at least one shift in which we don’t get called in. The longest I’ve gone without getting called in was four days (so all of my shifts in one week). I have a coworker who currently hasn’t worked her last seven shifts. Today we had a virtual meeting with people from headquarters. They told us they’re going to be moving us to per-diem. For us that means…

Hey there everybody!

I work as a tissue recovery technician at a tissue procurement agency. Given the nature of our job, all of our shifts are on call. We work four days a week, twelve hour shifts. We sometimes go to away hospitals out of state, and in those cases we always get overtime.

As of right now, we get paid hourly $18.50/hr), regardless of whether or not we get called in to perform tissue recovery. I would say that every week there’s at least one shift in which we don’t get called in. The longest I’ve gone without getting called in was four days (so all of my shifts in one week). I have a coworker who currently hasn’t worked her last seven shifts.

Today we had a virtual meeting with people from headquarters. They told us they’re going to be moving us to per-diem.

For us that means that we’re still expected to be on call without getting paid. We get paid only when we do a case, and the amount we get paid depends on what kind of case we do. So that one week I never got called in? My paycheck would have been $0 despite dedicating 48 hours of my time to this job. My coworker who hasn’t worked her last 7 shifts? Nada.

Is this even legal? Am I wrong in feeling exploited?

I do see where there’s potential to make money in this. But this position is so inconsistent and I am terrified. I only started this job two months ago, and have been loving it. This is the most money I’ve ever made, and the most financially stable I’ve been. My car was totaled last month while I was SLEEPING and I had to get a new car. I have car payments to make.

If anyone has any input I’d be very grateful!

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