
Here’s an idea for some collective action

A few days ago someone posted about this 32 Hour Work Week bill in congress. This got me thinking about how we could use this group for real action and not just shitposting. What if we pick a day, say May 1st (International Labor Day) where we all emailed our representatives at once urging them to support the bill. Writing in to your representatives is kinda seen as ineffectual to some, but I think it's most effective when large groups of people rally around a specific issue. If enough of them are inundated with a bunch of emails on the same day about the same bill, they couldn't ignore it. Someone in that thread also proposed honing in on Bobby Scott of Virginia, who's the head of the House Committee on Education and Labor, and is thus in charge of whether the bill is pursued or not. I'm not…

A few days ago someone posted about this 32 Hour Work Week bill in congress.

This got me thinking about how we could use this group for real action and not just shitposting. What if we pick a day, say May 1st (International Labor Day) where we all emailed our representatives at once urging them to support the bill. Writing in to your representatives is kinda seen as ineffectual to some, but I think it's most effective when large groups of people rally around a specific issue. If enough of them are inundated with a bunch of emails on the same day about the same bill, they couldn't ignore it. Someone in that thread also proposed honing in on Bobby Scott of Virginia, who's the head of the House Committee on Education and Labor, and is thus in charge of whether the bill is pursued or not. I'm not an expert on Congressional procedure but we should brainstorm ideas.

I doubt this would lead to any law being passed, but I think things like this are worth it to let the people in charge know that people know we exist and we want to see some action. Even if it doesn't lead to action this year or this administration, I think it might be worth a shot. I'm eager to hear your thoughts.

Original post for reference:

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