
Bringing slavery back?

In my area (CA) I’ve been talking with some of the politicians and we’ve been thinking about bringing slavery back. Obviously not based on racism or anything like that but like that but like if you have or adopt a kid then you can raise them as either your child or you could raise them as your property. We think it might work since they will be raised that way they’ll just be used to it so it’s really not inhumane at all, and it’ll increase the quality of life for a lot of others. We want to trial this in my county for about 15 years to see how it would turn out, and if results are positive then we could look at getting the federal laws changed and moving the entire state to this way of life. Only catch is that there’s some people that are extremely against…

In my area (CA) I’ve been talking with some of the politicians and we’ve been thinking about bringing slavery back. Obviously not based on racism or anything like that but like that but like if you have or adopt a kid then you can raise them as either your child or you could raise them as your property. We think it might work since they will be raised that way they’ll just be used to it so it’s really not inhumane at all, and it’ll increase the quality of life for a lot of others. We want to trial this in my county for about 15 years to see how it would turn out, and if results are positive then we could look at getting the federal laws changed and moving the entire state to this way of life.

Only catch is that there’s some people that are extremely against this and it’s causing friction going forward. Can we bounce around some ideas to see if I can come up with some more good points to convince them?

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