
Please stop giving employers notice when you are leaving.

Unless you have a union contract, or some sort of legally binding employment contract (sign on paper work agreeing to give two weeks notice is not legally binding in the vast majority of cases. You should be well aware if you work in an industry with legally binding agreements) with an employer, you have absolutely no obligation or need to give a two weeks notice. Two weeks notice is a courtesy so they can replace you. If you're on this sub complaining about your employer, chances are your employer doesn't deserve this courtesy. If they were replacing you, they would do it behind your back and fire you with no notice once they know they have you replaced. So why give them a courtesy they wouldn't give you? If you're worried about having a reference, which shouldn't be an issue in the case you already have another lined up, just…

Unless you have a union contract, or some sort of legally binding employment contract (sign on paper work agreeing to give two weeks notice is not legally binding in the vast majority of cases. You should be well aware if you work in an industry with legally binding agreements) with an employer, you have absolutely no obligation or need to give a two weeks notice. Two weeks notice is a courtesy so they can replace you. If you're on this sub complaining about your employer, chances are your employer doesn't deserve this courtesy. If they were replacing you, they would do it behind your back and fire you with no notice once they know they have you replaced. So why give them a courtesy they wouldn't give you?

If you're worried about having a reference, which shouldn't be an issue in the case you already have another lined up, just use the most professional sounding friend you have as your boss to that employer. Obviously there's certain professions that you shouldn't be doing something like that, but 90%-95% of employers that everyday Americans are working for aren't going to do anymore than call the numbers you put on the resume or application. You should be able to identify if you're in an industry that digs deeper. I've gotten many jobs lying on applications and using friends as my references to places I never even worked. Decent paying jobs that you would think they do look deeper too, and they don't. Wouldn't have gotten them without that fake experience either.

TLDR: if you're employer is a POS, stop giving them two weeks notice helping them out when they obviously don't deserve it.

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