
Is this a red flag?

I interviewed for a position yesterday, and after countless rejections, I was so relieved that the interview was going well and it sounded like a good fit. Until I asked about compensation. The interviewer repeatedly stated that the job could be stressful because of the many projects they are working on and how small the team is. She said it was fast paced and stressful. Okay, no issue, as long as the pay is on par with the responsibilities/stress level that comes with it. I asked what the salary range would be like during the interview and she immediately said that salary is not to be discussed with anyone, it was strictly prohibited and that she would call me separately to discuss. During our private phone call, she asked what was the lowest amount I would take an hour. I said $22/hr which is about ~45k annually. Which is fair…

I interviewed for a position yesterday, and after countless rejections, I was so relieved that the interview was going well and it sounded like a good fit.

Until I asked about compensation.

The interviewer repeatedly stated that the job could be stressful because of the many projects they are working on and how small the team is. She said it was fast paced and stressful. Okay, no issue, as long as the pay is on par with the responsibilities/stress level that comes with it.

I asked what the salary range would be like during the interview and she immediately said that salary is not to be discussed with anyone, it was strictly prohibited and that she would call me separately to discuss.

During our private phone call, she asked what was the lowest amount I would take an hour. I said $22/hr which is about ~45k annually. Which is fair considering the position’s expectations and the cost of living in my area. She told me that that amount would be very difficult and she doesn’t know if that’s possible to do. She also said that during a 3-month trial period (if I got hired) I would not be allowed to accrue vacation time yet, nor would I be guaranteed a permanent position. The job also doesn’t provide any health benefits whatsoever.

They moved me on to the next round of interviews, but I don’t know if I should even waste my time. It seems like they want someone to do incredible amounts of work for the absolute bare minimum of pay. It’s difficult because I am desperate for a new job and have had very little luck with landing interviews. Should I move on from this opportunity?


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