
Anyone have this happen? Weather

Back in 2008/2009 I worked for a major insurance company that would soon off shore every job in our building (Over 50K workers) to India, but I had a shift change up and I would come in early at 5AM. During my commute into work we had a huge snowstorm which is typical for our area but I got caught in it right as I was coming into work and no plows were out and we quickly got a couple inches on the highway. I was only a half hour late and of course the snowstorm died and everything melted and was plowed quickly afterwards. The manager who questioned me for being late commented, “I didn't see any snow out there” I checked his Linkedin for Years as he struggled to find work once we all got laid off.

Back in 2008/2009 I worked for a major insurance company that would soon off shore every job in our building (Over 50K workers) to India, but I had a shift change up and I would come in early at 5AM.

During my commute into work we had a huge snowstorm which is typical for our area but I got caught in it right as I was coming into work and no plows were out and we quickly got a couple inches on the highway.

I was only a half hour late and of course the snowstorm died and everything melted and was plowed quickly afterwards.

The manager who questioned me for being late commented, “I didn't see any snow out there”

I checked his Linkedin for Years as he struggled to find work once we all got laid off.

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