
I keep getting fired for my attitude

I've started being on Reddit the past month and it's actually pretty cool platform (yes I dumb monkey hello). So, I got fired today, and I've been there one week. I got fired January 24 and I was there 18 months. Let me explain (I mean complain). Start with the company I worked at for 18 months, the manager takes advantage of his employees. I'm a land surveyor, I love the field work, I've been doing it for ten years now. My boss, his name is R6fcatloseridiot, is the owner of the company, he was mainly the only office guy, and he kept field crews to a minimum; 6 people in the field, three 2-man crews. He wants all the money. Great, fine, you worked for this position idk, good job. When he hired me, he promised a retirement fund, PTO days, and bonus during holidays (I was hired August…

I've started being on Reddit the past month and it's actually pretty cool platform (yes I dumb monkey hello). So, I got fired today, and I've been there one week. I got fired January 24 and I was there 18 months. Let me explain (I mean complain).

Start with the company I worked at for 18 months, the manager takes advantage of his employees. I'm a land surveyor, I love the field work, I've been doing it for ten years now. My boss, his name is R6fcatloseridiot, is the owner of the company, he was mainly the only office guy, and he kept field crews to a minimum; 6 people in the field, three 2-man crews. He wants all the money. Great, fine, you worked for this position idk, good job.

When he hired me, he promised a retirement fund, PTO days, and bonus during holidays (I was hired August 2020 so the first December I got nothing and he was like, you've only been here 3 months lol I'll get you next year). I keep showing up every day, only mon-fri work, keep enjoying the work, and I really liked who I worked with in the field, a lot, and PLUS it was an open conversation that he does not drug test; he kinda hung this over our heads now that I look back. Because we got shit done, and what's wrong with weed.

Come Christmas week 2021, I get no bonus, no retirement, and other people got raises. Ok. I start asking about retirement fund and why I didn't get a raise, why no bonus, and where's my PTO days??? He ignores me at the least, and tells me to shut up talking about raises or he'll fire the people talking about salaries at the worst. My car was in the shop all Christmas, we had a week off, that WAS paid, so maybe he thinks that is a Christmas bonus or PTO, but PTO is not when the company says it is and the year before (2020 when I got no bonus) the other field people got a bonus of 2000$ that told me. I think he didn't give big bonus for 6 field people because he caused at least 80k in fuck ups and fines that year.

So my car is in the shop for holiday I'm at home all week, and the first week in Jan, I tell him that I will take a few days off to go see my family out of state. He texts back . Literally. It was that emoji and no text. So he never brings it up, and I'm still asking about retirement fund and annoyed about the no bonus. Jan 19 I walk into the office in the morning and tell him I'm taking the next three days off to go on my trip, and he laughs at me says YEAH RIGHT so I walk out right then. He calls after he realized I left and I tell him,yeah I'm going, this is my dad's birthday weekend, I just got my car back it's perfect; “well you just fucked up everything for today and now what will I do and you can't just take off whenever you want blah blah” and I say, how many PTO days do I have, boss? He says UGH go to gerogia, HANGS UP. I get back on Monday and he is surprised to see me, and says I'm fired. He thought I quit? With no indication I am quitting.

Sure. Whatever. So, one of the things I said to him was, “I can go somewhere else and make 3$ more an hour”, his response “if you feel that way, then leave”. Of course I didn't, and a few weeks later I'm fired. He was just itching for me to give him a reason; taking off work with no notice.

I use my savings for rent and stuff, then a month goes by cause I love staying inside where I can't bother people.

I get a job offer, for THREE DOLLARS MORE AN HOUR and I'm so excited. I lasted a week. Fired today. I don't even know how to fully complain about that one. Same shit. I kept asking my boss if there's an extra truck I can drive for a few weeks (this company requires a lot of driving to sites, like 600 miles a week), so I can save up and fix my shitty car that I'm trying to make last another year until Tesla truck. I told him before he offered me a job, ” oh we'll talk about it later”. Ok. First time I meet him, after the offer, I ask about an extra truck, “yeah we can talk about that later”. Ok. First week of work in the field, I have to drive 150 miles a day, with my shitty car. I'm calling him and emailing him to try to ask him about an extra work truck. What really got to me, he gave a work truck to some dude who started the same day I did, he has a functional car, plus hes never surveyed a day in his life, brand new to the work. I'm just confused, it's like he's actively trying to be a dick. So today I call him again and it was like when you talk to your mom as a kid, and she is arguing at you, saying JUST BECAUSE, and you're just like, in a calm tone, with reasonable points: why tho? Why? But…. Why?

End of the day he calls and says it's my last day. He knows what kind of person I am, he doesn't like my attitude, it's not his responsibility to get me to work. Which wasn't even my point, I was getting to work, I was just letting him know that when my fucking car breaks down don't be surprised, and is there an extra truck to avoid that for a few weeks.

Ahhhhhh thanks internet I love you random strangers that I don't have to personally meet and therefore piss you off with my attitude.

TLDR: first company I worked 18 months, didn't get promised beinfits, took three days off. Fired. Second company I worked for one week, tried to explain from the very beginning if they had an extra work truck that I would really benifit using it (spoiler there was an extra truck and I was “getting under his skin” by having a shitty car).

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