
Working without knowing your pay rate (U.S.)

My company has said that annual raises will be effective on day X. Sometime in the couple of weeks after that, they'll tell us what the raises are. (We get paid in two week intervals, one week later.) Is this legal? It seem like any time I'm working I should know what the $/hr rate is. OTOH, if we complained, they could just delay the effective date. Edit: If it matters, we're “salaried”.

My company has said that annual raises will be effective on day X. Sometime in the couple of weeks after that, they'll tell us what the raises are. (We get paid in two week intervals, one week later.)

Is this legal? It seem like any time I'm working I should know what the $/hr rate is. OTOH, if we complained, they could just delay the effective date.

Edit: If it matters, we're “salaried”.

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