
How many days would you take off after a close childhood friends dies?

Someone my age who I grew up with passed away this week. I found out on my way to work and broke down once I got there, so told my boss I needed to go. I just couldn’t stop crying/thinking about it. It’s now the next day and I feel like I spent all day dissociating and am mentally drained and it’s taking a big toll on me. I’m trying to prioritize my mental health in general. Is it weird to take off another day? I work for a school where I am on a team of out of classroom teachers that kids travel to and this weekday is our longest, busiest day. I just don’t feel like I’m in the headspace to do that and don’t want to be a downer with the kids. And they’re high school kids that i know pretty well, so they would know. I…

Someone my age who I grew up with passed away this week. I found out on my way to work and broke down once I got there, so told my boss I needed to go. I just couldn’t stop crying/thinking about it. It’s now the next day and I feel like I spent all day dissociating and am mentally drained and it’s taking a big toll on me. I’m trying to prioritize my mental health in general.
Is it weird to take off another day? I work for a school where I am on a team of out of classroom teachers that kids travel to and this weekday is our longest, busiest day. I just don’t feel like I’m in the headspace to do that and don’t want to be a downer with the kids. And they’re high school kids that i know pretty well, so they would know.
I also have a very demanding job where I have over 100 hours of sick time saved up.

Is it wrong to take the day off? Or more wrong to think it’s weird to take the day off?

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