As a 22-year-old college student, I am staring graduation in the face and preparing to enter the workforce. I felt like I did everything right. I got a 4.0 throughout my college years held multiple internships and a job during college. Everything was supposed to come together. At first, I was very excited to pave my way. I began applying for employment with an over-the-top amount of enthusiasm. However, over the next six months, my excitement has started to change. I interviewed for countless jobs and was told the same thing. Either they did not want me, wanted me to work insane hours, or offered me enough money to sit near the poverty line. Many jobs even ask for me to work for six months to a year unpaid before considering me. (Sounds insane, I know, but I am sure many others my age will agree) I began to feel something different about the world. The world doesn’t seem as exciting as it did when I was a child. Or even the past year. Things seem gloomy for the future. Anyone that does not sit at the top is treated like a cog in the machine, and honestly, it is because we allow companies and those that lead us to treat us this way. In many ways, these companies are more like gods to us than our own religion. The way Apple, Amazon, Nestle, and the other six fucking companies left exist in this world is essential as overlords. They could not give less of a fuck about their consumers or employees, but they expect absolutely everything out of those that serve them. Both from employees and consumers alike. Amazon literally forces its employees to piss and shit in bottles to keep on schedule. Drug prices are so high that individuals have to give more than everything just to stay alive. It’s literally everything…
So naturally, I began thinking about politics and those that “run” our society and thought, I wonder why they haven’t done anything about this. These people that claim to care about us/our interests and run our cities are more concerned with their insider stock trades and getting reelected than they are with helping those that live within our districts. There are two parties left in this country, ten companies left, and everyone hates each other over the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Maybe it is just easier to control us this way. I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that we have become slaves to our own society, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Everyone just seems to be angry and chasing a better life with absolutely no means of changing it. I know that things have always been this way, but I just wish they weren’t. I want to use my life to help change these things. There is just so much that's fucked up. I believe that until everyone wakes up to what is going on around us, we will be enslaved for the foreseeable future.