
I got fired today for refusing to do someone else’s work.

I worked at a gas station that has a full kitchen. It's very popular in the midwest for pizza and such. Last Friday I worked the first half of my shift in the kitchen. One of the managers came in to relieve me. I finished my dishes and cleaned up my stuff before heading to the cooler to do the other part of my job. A little while later I was called back to the kitchen to do someone else's dishes and clean up their mess. I refused because it wasn't my responsibility. I was then told to clock out and go home for insubordination. I also refused to do that. I didn't feel that I had done anything wrong. Eventually I did the dishes just so I could be left alone to do what I needed to do. I worked Saturday and Sunday and everything seemed fine. I was…

I worked at a gas station that has a full kitchen. It's very popular in the midwest for pizza and such. Last Friday I worked the first half of my shift in the kitchen. One of the managers came in to relieve me. I finished my dishes and cleaned up my stuff before heading to the cooler to do the other part of my job. A little while later I was called back to the kitchen to do someone else's dishes and clean up their mess. I refused because it wasn't my responsibility. I was then told to clock out and go home for insubordination. I also refused to do that. I didn't feel that I had done anything wrong. Eventually I did the dishes just so I could be left alone to do what I needed to do. I worked Saturday and Sunday and everything seemed fine. I was then off Monday and Tuesday. I walked in today and was told I was being let go due to insubordination. Despite the fact that it wasn't my responsibility and I ended up doing it anyway.

I was pissed at first but I'm not really that upset by it anymore. I was tired of being yelled at so I needed to leave since it was starting to effect my mental health. I just hate change so I was hesitant to leave. But I already have an interview for Friday and have my application in at several other places that pay more.

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