
Manager tried to get me to wash dishes after clocking out for my final day.

I used to work at a restaurant. COVID shut it down. We all knew it was our final day. My manager was super salty because regular customers (family of her bf, no less) tipped me $500 cuz they knew I had a wife and kid and a mortgage and I was about to lose my job. I was on my phone in the back. It wasn't interfering with work and I was taking care of guests just fine. She shouted at me to get off my phone and gave me this look like an angry mom yelling at a bratty kid. I said, “Mary, this is my last day. I have a wife and a baby. You are not going to stop me from looking for a new job.” She didn't say anything else and went back to cooking. I overheard her on the phone calling my friend in to…

I used to work at a restaurant. COVID shut it down. We all knew it was our final day. My manager was super salty because regular customers (family of her bf, no less) tipped me $500 cuz they knew I had a wife and kid and a mortgage and I was about to lose my job.

I was on my phone in the back. It wasn't interfering with work and I was taking care of guests just fine. She shouted at me to get off my phone and gave me this look like an angry mom yelling at a bratty kid.

I said, “Mary, this is my last day. I have a wife and a baby. You are not going to stop me from looking for a new job.”

She didn't say anything else and went back to cooking. I overheard her on the phone calling my friend in to cover the rest of my shift. She was sending me home early. I didnt care, it was still my most profitable day ever by a huge margin. I didnt even wait for the news and just started counting out.

My replacement comes in and I was just getting done and was ready to go. I'm clocked out and officially done and off the clock. I'm walking out the door and she calls to me and say, “Oh, before you go, can you wash some of these dishes?”

I'm like, “No, I already have an interview to get to,” and left.

The fact that she honestly thought I would stay off the clock and wash dishes on my last day before the whole thing was shutting down was absurd. It wasn't even a part of my regular responsibilities to wash dishes. We hired a dedicated dishwasher for that. She was an idiot.

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