
Help me cover my ass

So I just got out of a 40 minute long meeting with HR. Tl;dr I've “bumped” into someone enough times that it made them uncomfortable and they went to HR about it. I immediately, because I was shocked because I have no idea what HR is talking about, ask, “IS THIS A SEXUAL HARASSMENT THING? OH GOD!” And she assures me it is not, but what the fuck is “bumping” if its making someone uncomfortable. How many goddamn times has someone gotten too close to me that its made me uncomfortable? Where I'm at: I am one of four people wearing masks at my job. If someone gets too close to me I take a few steps back to create some distance. I'm not only paranoid about Covid, I'm uncomfortable in close proximity to people in general. I have absolutely 0 recollection of “bumping” into any one specific person with…

So I just got out of a 40 minute long meeting with HR.

Tl;dr I've “bumped” into someone enough times that it made them uncomfortable and they went to HR about it. I immediately, because I was shocked because I have no idea what HR is talking about, ask, “IS THIS A SEXUAL HARASSMENT THING? OH GOD!” And she assures me it is not, but what the fuck is “bumping” if its making someone uncomfortable. How many goddamn times has someone gotten too close to me that its made me uncomfortable?

Where I'm at:
I am one of four people wearing masks at my job. If someone gets too close to me I take a few steps back to create some distance. I'm not only paranoid about Covid, I'm uncomfortable in close proximity to people in general.

I have absolutely 0 recollection of “bumping” into any one specific person with any frequency let alone ANYONE, except for the few instances I tried to go through a door at the same time someone was trying to go through that door at the same time (no “bumping” occurred, just an awkward “who goes first” scenario).

Context: I recently complained to my boss about a coworker who was condescending repeatedly and my suspicion is that this person is retaliating to get me fired.

So, how do I cover my ass? I already do not talk to my coworkers outside of work. I do not have any of their numbers, and they do not have mine. Do I stop interacting with my coworkers at work? There is a certain amount of interaction required, but when people get too close to ME do I audibly say “Please stand back?” That sounds fucking dumb: I'll just stay uncomfortable in silence. Do i keep a record of everytime someone and I get too close and report it to HR myself? I know HR isn't my friend, but I feel like I need documentation. Speaking of documentation I feel like I should have gotten documentation of this meeting?

Side note, one of my bosses is a really touchy person. Physical affirmation, you know the type: hand on the shoulder, bumping into you jokingly. I recoil every fucking time because I MYSELF do NOT fucking like to be touched (history of abuse). I told HR about this during the meeting to express how NOT okay I am with being touched myself let alone could I imagine myself intentionally bumping into someone else with any frequency.

I already feel like I'm walking on egg shells because we are incredibly understaffed now this is just another thing to worry about.

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