
I got the last laugh even though it was bitter sweet.

I finally gave my notice at the large hospital chain I work at. I had long fantasized about ripping them a new one in the exit interview and I had a lot of material I wanted to bring with me. My bosses retaliate hard against anyone who snitches to HR or a government body so I’ve had to be quiet for a long time. However, our turnover is so high, HR stopped doing exit interviews except for managers and high ranking personnel(which still keeps them busy lol). I’m very crushed that I got robbed of my fantasy to show HR all those horrible things my department and peers are doing, but at least it’s because of so many of my colleagues and coworkers waking up and betting themselves.

I finally gave my notice at the large hospital chain I work at. I had long fantasized about ripping them a new one in the exit interview and I had a lot of material I wanted to bring with me. My bosses retaliate hard against anyone who snitches to HR or a government body so I’ve had to be quiet for a long time.

However, our turnover is so high, HR stopped doing exit interviews except for managers and high ranking personnel(which still keeps them busy lol).

I’m very crushed that I got robbed of my fantasy to show HR all those horrible things my department and peers are doing, but at least it’s because of so many of my colleagues and coworkers waking up and betting themselves.

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