
I worked for a healthcare provider but quit because the cost of the healthcare insurance was ridiculous.

I was recently hired to provide aba therapy for a company who provides different types of healthcare. I knew the p/h rate was on the low end to start but I told the recruiter that my main focus was moving up. They appreciated my thought process and offered me a position on the spot. However they omitted a few details when hiring me. One being that training was done at minimum wage and not the wage they hired me at. Next they offered no wage covering for when a client was sick with Covid and I couldn’t work. Then once after three months I inquired about the healthcare insurance. And they told me I qualify for the “ bronze” package which was $138 a week with a $6500 deductible. So if I were to use this the total for the year would be over $13,000 for substandard care. I told…

I was recently hired to provide aba therapy for a company who provides different types of healthcare. I knew the p/h rate was on the low end to start but I told the recruiter that my main focus was moving up. They appreciated my thought process and offered me a position on the spot.

However they omitted a few details when hiring me. One being that training was done at minimum wage and not the wage they hired me at. Next they offered no wage covering for when a client was sick with Covid and I couldn’t work. Then once after three months I inquired about the healthcare insurance. And they told me I qualify for the “ bronze” package which was $138 a week with a $6500 deductible. So if I were to use this the total for the year would be over $13,000 for substandard care.

I told them thats a ridiculous amount of money to charge your lowest employees and then I submitted my resignation that week, after having a few offers on the table for more money. That if I where to do that that would mean I’d be working full time but get paid part time wages. And this with a company that profited a billion dollars last year.

When I told my recruiter my reasoning they acted very surprised like they didn’t know that was the rate. I told them when a provider of healthcare services charges so much for their insurance to those who are providing said care is just down right dirty.

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