
If my coworker makes one more comment about how ‘people don’t want to work anymore’…

I’m gonna lose my god damn mind. And this woman has chastised ME for ‘complaining’ (ya know, about wealth inequality and how practically everyone is drowning in unnecessary debts)! Why, if she doesn’t like how people don’t want to work here, she can take her OWN advice and either LEAVE or STOP complaining about ‘this generation’. (Yes, she told me ‘if I don’t like it, then I can leave…when I was complaining about the healthcare system fucking over my sister and her cancer situation…very realistic of course.) PS – This woman, I’m not kidding you, looked me in the eyes and stated ‘America IS the greatest country in the world’ in earnest…shivers.

I’m gonna lose my god damn mind. And this woman has chastised ME for ‘complaining’ (ya know, about wealth inequality and how practically everyone is drowning in unnecessary debts)! Why, if she doesn’t like how people don’t want to work here, she can take her OWN advice and either LEAVE or STOP complaining about ‘this generation’. (Yes, she told me ‘if I don’t like it, then I can leave…when I was complaining about the healthcare system fucking over my sister and her cancer situation…very realistic of course.)

PS – This woman, I’m not kidding you, looked me in the eyes and stated ‘America IS the greatest country in the world’ in earnest…shivers.

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