
Tried quitting my job today. Boss suddenly proposed giving me a raise. What do I do?

Hi guys so I(29F) have been working at this awful place for 5 years and I can’t get fired because I do everything when my supervisor isn’t there. And when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. My supervisor has a drug problem where he shows up under the influence from time to time, he fakes on clients which in turn causes clients to get mad at ME since I’m the only person there. My job is literally me showing up to work every day and getting yelled at because of something my boss didn’t do because he’s barely there or did wrong because he’s so careless. I get paid $13 an hour. The only reason I’ve stayed this long is because despite being miserable there I find comfort in knowing that I can’t get fired. I come in 5-15 min late, take 15 min longer on lunch, and sometimes leave…

Hi guys so I(29F) have been working at this awful place for 5 years and I can’t get fired because I do everything when my supervisor isn’t there. And when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING.

My supervisor has a drug problem where he shows up under the influence from time to time, he fakes on clients which in turn causes clients to get mad at ME since I’m the only person there. My job is literally me showing up to work every day and getting yelled at because of something my boss didn’t do because he’s barely there or did wrong because he’s so careless. I get paid $13 an hour. The only reason I’ve stayed this long is because despite being miserable there I find comfort in knowing that I can’t get fired. I come in 5-15 min late, take 15 min longer on lunch, and sometimes leave 5-15 min early. My supervisor doesn’t even take this job seriously so why should I? Don’t get me wrong I always get my work done which is a lot of work but I’ve managed to figure out a way to look like I’m busy for 8 hours when I’m honestly on Reddit or looking at random stuff for the majority of my shift and get my work done in about 3-4 hours. I also call out a lot. It’s annoying to him but honestly I dread coming to work so much that I just can’t even get up some days. Despite not doing shit for hours at work I still come home feeling burnt out. I HATE it there.

So my last straw which causes me to start applying for jobs is his wife went to visit her country for a month and he while under the influence called me one day and said “my wife is on vacation.”

The convo went something like this:

Me: “Okay, that’s nice.”

Him: “Maybe when she leaves we can… Hangout.”

Me: “Oh I can’t sorry I’m really busy outside of work I always have something to do and I’m also in school so I have classes and homework” (THIS IS A LIE BTW I JUST DIDN’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO REACT WHEN HE SUGGESTED HANGING OUT OUTSIDE OF WORK IT MADE ME FEEL SO UNEASY AND GROSS)

Him: “How about on a weekend then. We can hangout on a weekend when she’s gone.”

Me: “No thank you, I’m just really busy I have a lot going on right now… Anyway asks a work related question to change the topic

Then I went home and sobbed. Call me sensitive but the stress of running this place on my own and constantly getting yelled at by clients and then this weird as fuck inappropriate conversation just led to a melt down. I also have a history of something that happened to me when I was little where an older man took advantage of me and this conversation triggered the F out of me and I couldn’t help but feel disgusted and helpless and it just felt much too familiar and it lingered in my head for days and deeply bothered me and I think because of my ptsd I started to feel unsafe and paranoid and I spent a week feeling like this overall dread and ickyness.

So eventually I finally made the decision to get the fuck out of this job. Fuck the risk of not being good at a new job. Anywhere has to be better than here right???

I applied and got interviews and after about a month I finally found a place that I liked who liked me back and they extended the job offer. I’ll be making $16 and my schedule is much better so I can now fit in school and personal time to go workout or see my boyfriend and I have weekends off now 🙂

I got the job offer yesterday and signed everything and I’m set to start Monday!

So I went in today (Saturday) to work my shift AND let my boss know I’m leaving. He was stunned and got upset saying how I’m abandoning my job and how he’s upset because I’m unprofessional and irresponsible for giving him such short notice. Then he said “I was thinking about you this morning and I’m not just saying this but I was thinking about giving you a raise from $13 to $15. And a bonus for your help during this busy season.”


I said okay well my new job is paying me more than $15 I’m sorry but I’ve already committed to them.

(Keep in mind Reddit I’m gonna be paid $16 at my new job)

So he goes “how much will you be paid?”

At this point I saw where this conversation was going and I really didn’t wanna give him the idea that this was a negotiation of any type. So I quickly made the decision to lie and blurt out that the new job was offering me “$20 bucks an hour.”

He looked at me in disbelief and went “I can’t say you don’t deserve it, you do everything here. $20 wow… That’s great.”

I go “I just really want to thank you for this opportunity I’ve learned a lot here” (Total BS but I didn’t wanna leave on a bad note).

He doesn’t react for an uncomfortable amount of time so I start to get up to leave and he goes “I can do $20 an hour.”


He goes “I really hope you reconsider. You deserve this raise. I was already thinking about giving you one so I’m glad this came up. Let me know by tonight.”

I go… “I already committed but… yeah I’ll message you tonight.”

He goes “I really hope you reconsider.”

I go home and now I’m in bed writing this.

WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO NOW REDDIT???? $20 an hour would be life changing for me!!!! I only blurted out that number because I didn’t think there was a chance on this earth that he would give me a raise from $13 to $20.

Yes I’m miserable here but $20 I could do so much and take care of so much school debt and help my family out financially.

I feel like if I go to my new job where they offered me $16 I’m gonna be thinking about how I could me making $20. But then I keep thinking where the F has the $20 been THIS WHOLE TIME?!? I feel uneasy about it like what if he tricks me or something. I don’t know. I hate this! I really don’t know what to do. I was super excited to start my new job but now I’m reconsidering staying at this awful place it’s just you guys don’t understand how much $20 an hour would make a difference in my life.

Any insight or advice on what I should do would be highly appreciated as I have to message him tonight with my decision!

Thanks everyone.

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