
A friend of my brother refuses to take a sick day because “they won’t have anyone else”

Long story short my brother (16) cane to me frustrated about a friend of his (16m) refusing to take a sick day off work despite not feeling well for the past week and a half because “if he calls out they don't have anyone else to work” I only know what I've been told by a third party (my brother) but both of us are pissed for our own reasons. Mind you both my brother and his buddy are still in school. If a business rests their wellbeing on the shoulders of a kid still in school, or on any one person for that matter, there's something wrong. Idk it just ticks me off, both between seeing how far this kind of stuff has become acceptable and between seeing how frustrated my own brother is. This seemed like an appropriate place.

Long story short my brother (16) cane to me frustrated about a friend of his (16m) refusing to take a sick day off work despite not feeling well for the past week and a half because “if he calls out they don't have anyone else to work”

I only know what I've been told by a third party (my brother) but both of us are pissed for our own reasons. Mind you both my brother and his buddy are still in school. If a business rests their wellbeing on the shoulders of a kid still in school, or on any one person for that matter, there's something wrong.

Idk it just ticks me off, both between seeing how far this kind of stuff has become acceptable and between seeing how frustrated my own brother is. This seemed like an appropriate place.

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