
I finally called my former employer out!

When the pandemic started I was working for a cycling studio in the cafe. They closed down but still had myself and another girl working without clocking in saying they'd pay us a “bonus” for the hours. Well jump forward a few months, my roommate and boyfriend are both displaying symptoms of COVID and so I call in and go get tested. Because this was before testing was readily available it took much longer to get results and you were called with results rather than emailed at the time. My employer was pissed I missed work and demanded documentation of my test (I had told them I got results over the phone) and so this time I told them the state doesn't require documentation for missing work due to COVID and was immediately told we were parting ways over text. I requested my last paystub and informed them I expected…

When the pandemic started I was working for a cycling studio in the cafe. They closed down but still had myself and another girl working without clocking in saying they'd pay us a “bonus” for the hours.

Well jump forward a few months, my roommate and boyfriend are both displaying symptoms of COVID and so I call in and go get tested. Because this was before testing was readily available it took much longer to get results and you were called with results rather than emailed at the time. My employer was pissed I missed work and demanded documentation of my test (I had told them I got results over the phone) and so this time I told them the state doesn't require documentation for missing work due to COVID and was immediately told we were parting ways over text.

I requested my last paystub and informed them I expected to be paid for my hours back in March 2020. I was fired June 3rd. They gave me my last paycheck without including the wages I was due back in March, claiming I was paid for all my hours already and when I got snappy back and demanded my pay they got their lawyer to tell me the matter was closed. I was lucky their accountant was a third party and immediately emailed her for copies of all my timestamps that I had been paid for and of course the march dates were missing. Well another advantage on my part was that I had texted hours I worked without clocking in to the owner and she confirmed them also via text. After sending both the timestamp information and our text, I was sent a check without a response.

I wanted to leave a review when I was fired but feared they would mess with my unemployment and I was scared. I've been off of unemployment for awhile and just realized today that they hold no power over me anymore and posted a review on Google with everything I just said, plus a bit more and including pictures for proof. It feels great, I only wish I could see their faces when they read it. Took their 5 star review to a 4.9 which is still high but at least it's not a perfect five and everyone can see my review.

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