
Fantastic book: Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber.

Has anyone else read this? I am a few chapters in and am crying angry tears. It speaks to the soul sucking, exploitive and trivial nature of many 9-5 jobs – but addresses the issue on a systemic/societal level, discussing how this work structure serves the ruling elite class. It also gets into the “spiritual violence” of the 9-5. READ IT! It is enraging and cathartic lol. I am in my late twenties and have recently entered the “professional” work force. I am disillusioned, disappointed and angry at increasing cost of living, shitty job opportunities, complete lack of leisure time and general inequality. How did we get here?!?!?! Let’s get fucking angry and demand change.

Has anyone else read this? I am a few chapters in and am crying angry tears. It speaks to the soul sucking, exploitive and trivial nature of many 9-5 jobs – but addresses the issue on a systemic/societal level, discussing how this work structure serves the ruling elite class. It also gets into the “spiritual violence” of the 9-5.

READ IT! It is enraging and cathartic lol.

I am in my late twenties and have recently entered the “professional” work force. I am disillusioned, disappointed and angry at increasing cost of living, shitty job opportunities, complete lack of leisure time and general inequality.

How did we get here?!?!?! Let’s get fucking angry and demand change.

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