
Boss wants to have dinner with me and another colleague after work. I dont, what is appropiate way to say no?

So in short. Boss wants dinner with me and other colleague (who is a true kiss ass by the way)..he wants dinner after work. I dont want to because for one) i dont like my boss he only cares about production and money and this meeting is probably just a way to ask me to work longer. Second reason) it takes me 1.5 hour to get home, I dont want to sacrifice my whole evening by having dinner with them. I want to see my parents and just do stuff in my own time. He messaged me today what date would be convenient for me. What is a proper way for me to decline it?

So in short. Boss wants dinner with me and other colleague (who is a true kiss ass by the way)..he wants dinner after work. I dont want to because for one) i dont like my boss he only cares about production and money and this meeting is probably just a way to ask me to work longer. Second reason) it takes me 1.5 hour to get home, I dont want to sacrifice my whole evening by having dinner with them. I want to see my parents and just do stuff in my own time.
He messaged me today what date would be convenient for me. What is a proper way for me to decline it?

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