
What is the real ANTIWORK culture?

This subreddit is true anti-work, im not from the US, but I can identify with the employer situation and shit conditions talked about here generally. In my country, slowly but surely monetarism and late-stage capitalism is stronger every day, with people being overworked with no pay too often,etc,etc. Even so, we have great free healthcare and other conditions that still makes living here actually great, even when US minimum salary would translate to being like top 10% income here. Its fascinating reading the horror stories that make one feel radical, to the bad management getting what they deserve stories as a poetic justice, considering the severe injustices in this world due to greed, and the work-related struggle; neverthless, theres an issue that bothers me often as an avid antiwork reader. Im presenting the issue of the Real Antiwork Culture we want to strive for as society, within the limitations of…

This subreddit is true anti-work, im not from the US, but I can identify with the employer situation and shit conditions talked about here generally. In my country, slowly but surely monetarism and late-stage capitalism is stronger every day, with people being overworked with no pay too often,etc,etc. Even so, we have great free healthcare and other conditions that still makes living here actually great, even when US minimum salary would translate to being like top 10% income here.

Its fascinating reading the horror stories that make one feel radical, to the bad management getting what they deserve stories as a poetic justice, considering the severe injustices in this world due to greed, and the work-related struggle; neverthless, theres an issue that bothers me often as an avid antiwork reader.

Im presenting the issue of the Real Antiwork Culture we want to strive for as society, within the limitations of the occidental economic system.

I see often POSTS in this subreddit talking about several unethical, unprofessional, borderline ilegal, or straight ilegal practices, yes from employers, BUT ALSO as EMPLOYEE (yes yes I know, the law protects certain groups and activities); is it ok to steal from your employer? clearly not; do we really want to eat the rich?, wheres the “rich” line?; maybe some cashier letting someone take something free in a Walmart isnt really wrong, yeah, Walmart is a greed-machine with a monopoly, food stamps get spent there, etc etc. I get the logic, but those are not the right values. Then, there seems to resentment on the subreddit discourse over the people trying to make value, the entrepreneurs, the people starting business.

What is the expectation when we finally get what we deserve?

Is it the end for everyone to have access to some kind of reasonable adquisitive power to actually adquire and enjoy stuff, beside just surviving. Also, collectively, adjusting productivity culture so we can have more time as humans.

So, when you finally get a good wage, get a real work/life balance, access to low-cost public and essential services, get good and resting vacations every year, able to Save-up for whatever you please and participate more actively in the economy as investors/entrepreneurs/hobbist, maybe even consider becoming an employer on your own activity. When you get to this point, Its finally time to actually start creating value to stop working, right? Where do you stand morally on your investments?

I suposse some of the people here are making enough money to invest, I constantly read on 100k+$ salaries, that puts someone on like top 2% income worldwide, so people that has some investments, stocks, maybe a big mortgage car and stuff leaves few for invest, maybe some are in real estate; If I plan on constructing something to rent and get additional income, to obviously eventually WORK LESS, am I part of the problem or the solution???

What is that the TOP end before becoming the “rich” that needs to be eaten, its clear the economic system has big flaws, its clear politics its permeable by other interest, but it is NOT clear when you are part of the problem or the solution as a worker trying to be the best possible version and create the most value.

TLDR: just rambling, dont read

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