
Rant. Major walkout happening, hoping to be next one out.

Apologizing in advance for grammar mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker. I am greatly enjoying the show of all of my dear coworkers walking out right now. It started in January and there's no sign of stopping. My team of 30 people had shrunk down to just 10 people 2 weeks ago. I had a week off for home renovations, came back and 5 more people left. I'm in a team of just 5 people now, doing the work for 30 people. For context of why this is happening, my boss is a huge asshole. We're supposed to get paid once every month on the 24th, 25th or the 26th. He stopped paying us in time months ago (A week or two later) and kept promising us it will all come in time one day. He even started paying some of us in halves (Half of salary one week…

Apologizing in advance for grammar mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker.

I am greatly enjoying the show of all of my dear coworkers walking out right now. It started in January and there's no sign of stopping. My team of 30 people had shrunk down to just 10 people 2 weeks ago. I had a week off for home renovations, came back and 5 more people left. I'm in a team of just 5 people now, doing the work for 30 people.

For context of why this is happening, my boss is a huge asshole. We're supposed to get paid once every month on the 24th, 25th or the 26th. He stopped paying us in time months ago (A week or two later) and kept promising us it will all come in time one day. He even started paying some of us in halves (Half of salary one week and the next the other half) Which is against the law where I'm from and he should be paying us all a fine for this, which he's not doing. After 3 months of this, the first person left. After 5 people left we basically bluntly asked him why he's still not paying us right and he just exploded at us that we're not putting any love into the business. He somehow tried to put the blame on us, but we're not having it. We're supposed to have a meeting every week but every time during salary time he cancels that meeting because he knows we'll complain. So now every week someone will announce their departure. He treats the people that stay like absolute garbage, while he should just be grateful of us by now.

He expects us to come back to the office now while the gas prices everywhere are sky-high and he's not paying for it. On top of that, he decided to just not pay the people that have quit, even though he still has to pay their last paychecks. He also decided to not pay my coworker who didn't quit, but was briefly sick at home after having her tumor removed. She cut her resting period short in order to get paid. I don't know where he got the audacity to not pay her, but it makes me sick to my stomach knowing he can be that cold.

I have caught him in multiple lies. One of which is that I asked him where my money was (once more) and he said that the company he hired for salary management are at fault and they're slow. I decided to call his bluff and called the company and they told me that my boss has yet to even sent anything in and they have to call him multiple times in order for him not to forget to pay us.

He sent us some crazy emails, reprimanding us of our behavior for bringing “bad vibes in the office” as if it's not just him that makes us this way. My colleagues are great people. I have a great bond with most of them and we even hang out outside of work. The bad vibes are only there when HE decides to finally grace us with his presence. He also sent us an email about how well he's making money and he just has so much money now that he forgets to pay us which we basically turned into a meme now. He sent us another email about how we should never believe his promises if he makes them, but also calls himself “a man true to his word”. This man has caused me to go hungry and on the verge of being homeless multiple times to the point where my boyfriend has considered calling him out of anger. I'm losing hair and going gray from the stress he's putting me trough and having more and more panic attacks.

I don't want to work a second longer for this excuse of a man, but need a new job before doing that. Wish me luck!

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