
I was fired from my Supermarket stocking job because I was exposed to covid

Over Christmas I was exposed to covid because my girlfriend’s brother was sick. I told the grocery manager my symptoms and he told me not to come back until I have a negative test. So I leave work and drive to 4 different pharmacies looking for an at-home test. I couldn’t find one so I set up an appointment at the local urgent care for a few days later. I was scheduled to work the next few days and I assumed it would be fine if I stayed home because I gave proper notice to the grocery manager but, apparently he never told any of the higher-ups my situation. A friend I work with said the GM told him that he “doesn’t play that shit” and To tell me that I’m fired for skipping. This guy has always been a major league asshole who scheduled me 35-40 hours a week…

Over Christmas I was exposed to covid because my girlfriend’s brother was sick. I told the grocery manager my symptoms and he told me not to come back until I have a negative test. So I leave work and drive to 4 different pharmacies looking for an at-home test. I couldn’t find one so I set up an appointment at the local urgent care for a few days later. I was scheduled to work the next few days and I assumed it would be fine if I stayed home because I gave proper notice to the grocery manager but, apparently he never told any of the higher-ups my situation. A friend I work with said the GM told him that he “doesn’t play that shit” and To tell me that I’m fired for skipping. This guy has always been a major league asshole who scheduled me 35-40 hours a week even though I am a senior in high school and I have specifically told him I can only work 20-25 hours due to school. His go-to excuse was that it was because of the holidays but I doubt he would’ve changed anything after they ended. But yeah fuck Giant and fuck Rick. It wasn’t even worth it to fight for my job because it was the most soul-crushing experience working under someone like that

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