Obviously, I would never suggest someone quit, and risk potentially losing access to unemployment. However, should you find yourself in an intolerable situation, and quitting is the only option, consider reframing it in a way bosses and management understand. What I mean is, they understand the power and posturing of firing someone on the spot, despite the obvious fallout they’d have to recover from. It’s the script. Quitting is also in the script, but it reads as is “underling” and “weakness” (even though it takes managerial decision making and bravery to follow through with.)
Reframe quitting as firing yourself. Instead of saying “I quit,” say “I’m fired, effective immediately.” This is their script, their ramifications, with fallout they (should) understand. If they can do it, you can do it. And if they try to reclaim their stolen power (as I’m sure they will) by saying that they’re actually firing you, all the better. Remember, they’ll be trying to redirect your misdirect, they’re still in the weaker position. They didn’t choose to fire you, they’re just playing defense. Either way they lose. If the person who “fires” you isn’t at the top of the chain, they’ll have to explain “their” decision to their boss!
What do you party people think?