
My manager used up my annual leave for sickness without asking/informing me – is this legal?

Last November I had 9 days off work as I contracted Covid so had to isolate. I wasn't aware at the time but instead of putting it down as off for sickness, she used our system to place me on leave for the 9 days. She didn't ask me if this was what I wanted to do nor inform me that this was what the company does. I only found this out as I'm trying to use leave for a holiday I've booked and was informed when I made the request that I have 0 days left. After some email correspondence my manager asked me 'didn't you have leave in November' I reminded her that this was isolation ( a legal requirement at the time in line with government guidance). I followed this with another question asking if this is company policy to use leave for sick days – using…

Last November I had 9 days off work as I contracted Covid so had to isolate. I wasn't aware at the time but instead of putting it down as off for sickness, she used our system to place me on leave for the 9 days. She didn't ask me if this was what I wanted to do nor inform me that this was what the company does. I only found this out as I'm trying to use leave for a holiday I've booked and was informed when I made the request that I have 0 days left. After some email correspondence my manager asked me 'didn't you have leave in November' I reminded her that this was isolation ( a legal requirement at the time in line with government guidance). I followed this with another question asking if this is company policy to use leave for sick days – using up Annual Leave. She emailed back but conveniently ignored that question.

Edit: I've also had no holiday since I started working for said company.

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