
Three out of ten people in my company have resigned since 1st March…

…and I know for a fact that a fourth one has a new job starting in the autumn so will be resigning in May at the latest, a fifth one is interviewing all over the place to get out ASAP, and a sixth one is at least talking to recruiters. So 60% of the company are planning to leave in the next few months. The best part is that the horrible controlling CEO thinks the horrible controlling Managing Director will have an actual breakdown if she hears about the third resignation, so he just… hasn't told her. The third person is leaving in less than two weeks!!! I guess that's what you get when you treat your employees like shit (forcing us to work from the office full time when government guidelines were still to WFH, moving the goalposts for how we earn commission to try to avoid paying us,…

…and I know for a fact that a fourth one has a new job starting in the autumn so will be resigning in May at the latest, a fifth one is interviewing all over the place to get out ASAP, and a sixth one is at least talking to recruiters. So 60% of the company are planning to leave in the next few months.

The best part is that the horrible controlling CEO thinks the horrible controlling Managing Director will have an actual breakdown if she hears about the third resignation, so he just… hasn't told her. The third person is leaving in less than two weeks!!!

I guess that's what you get when you treat your employees like shit (forcing us to work from the office full time when government guidelines were still to WFH, moving the goalposts for how we earn commission to try to avoid paying us, giving us payrises below the rate of inflation, promoting useless friends to senior positions, I could go on…).

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