
Here goes nothing

Just submitted for a raise. Been in my position for 15 months as a regional in healthcare. Was a site manager for 3 months before being promoted to this role. No change in pay since the promotion despite my rate being acknowledged as too low 7 months ago and being promised they would “make it right”, whatever that means. I usually work to get my team members what I can, including going to recruiting for raises and usually giving the top of the “range” that we are handcuffed by. Staff clinician I interviewed Friday asked for the moon and recruiting approved it as an “exception”. Her rate as a staff level employee would be higher than mine despite the 8 million other tasks I have on my plate, on top of patient care. We have the exact same credentials and are the same type of healthcare professional. Their position would…

Just submitted for a raise. Been in my position for 15 months as a regional in healthcare. Was a site manager for 3 months before being promoted to this role. No change in pay since the promotion despite my rate being acknowledged as too low 7 months ago and being promised they would “make it right”, whatever that means.

I usually work to get my team members what I can, including going to recruiting for raises and usually giving the top of the “range” that we are handcuffed by. Staff clinician I interviewed Friday asked for the moon and recruiting approved it as an “exception”. Her rate as a staff level employee would be higher than mine despite the 8 million other tasks I have on my plate, on top of patient care. We have the exact same credentials and are the same type of healthcare professional. Their position would be 10 minutes from my house whereas mine is an hour because of where our management location is.

So I did what anyone else would do. I asked for a 25% raise. I have no problem with our staff making good money, I advocate for them to make as much as possible, especially given the debt we have to go in for our degree. Interested to see what they say.

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