
it’s sad that almost every business in Colorado tests for cannabis just so you can get a job

I have lived in Colorado for over 6 now, as I was one to move here so I wouldn't have the threat of going to jail for smoking a joint. Since living here I have found out how backwards the laws really are. Literally today I got denied a job at a grocery store, that was just doing online order filling, because I smoke. I have bad anxiety from going to college for 7 years, only to not be able to get a job in my desired field because I “don't have the experience.” I am not going to stop smoking so I can work at a dang grocery store. The funny thing is drug tests started mainly for high ranking jobs such as doctors and pilots now you can't even get a job walking a dog without a piss test. I have even worked for the city on multiple…

I have lived in Colorado for over 6 now, as I was one to move here so I wouldn't have the threat of going to jail for smoking a joint. Since living here I have found out how backwards the laws really are. Literally today I got denied a job at a grocery store, that was just doing online order filling, because I smoke. I have bad anxiety from going to college for 7 years, only to not be able to get a job in my desired field because I “don't have the experience.” I am not going to stop smoking so I can work at a dang grocery store. The funny thing is drug tests started mainly for high ranking jobs such as doctors and pilots now you can't even get a job walking a dog without a piss test. I have even worked for the city on multiple occasions, with guys that have had coke and alcohol addictions, yet they never got “randomly” tested, it was just the people they knew smoked. For example a guy I knew drinkingly said to another co worker that he smoked and then over the next year the guy had 4 “random” tests, yet every other employee never got tested once that year. I am so done with this country/state.

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