
Boss wants me to document everything I do, when I start it and when I finish it. This is new to me… how do I say I’m not happy with being micromanaged?

(Edit: I am in the UK) TL;DR: New manager wants me to fill out what I do, when I start it, and when I finish it. I work in procurement and I’ve been in this company and team for 7 years. Never before been asked for this until now. Details make it easier to understand. How do I raise this properly that I am not happy at all about being micro managed? (I’ve tried in the past and been brushed off) The detail is here: Recently there were company changes and departments incorporated into mine. I work in procurement (who was managed by the supply chain manager) and the department that we incorporated was sales admin. Along with this, it brought in a new middle manager who already over saw sales admin, so to give her something else to do they put procurement under the sales admin manager (who is…

(Edit: I am in the UK)

TL;DR: New manager wants me to fill out what I do, when I start it, and when I finish it. I work in procurement and I’ve been in this company and team for 7 years. Never before been asked for this until now. Details make it easier to understand. How do I raise this properly that I am not happy at all about being micro managed? (I’ve tried in the past and been brushed off)

The detail is here:

Recently there were company changes and departments incorporated into mine. I work in procurement (who was managed by the supply chain manager) and the department that we incorporated was sales admin. Along with this, it brought in a new middle manager who already over saw sales admin, so to give her something else to do they put procurement under the sales admin manager (who is now managed by the supply chain manager)

Basically, my old manager (OM) is my new managers (NM) boss.

NM doesn’t understand what my team does. They don’t know how procurement works, has no idea about the details of the role. We have tried to explain it to them, yet they do not seem to grasp it and seem uninterested.

NM has been micro managing since the start, and I realise it’s because they’re incompetent and insecure about understanding procurement.

I brought this up many times with OM, whom I trust, and they brush it off.

Today I was sent a sheet to fill out daily, detailing what I do, when I start it, and when I finish it. I was told they will be doing this with their other team members. These team members have never heard of this.

I raised this with OM, who sits in the office with me, and they suddenly said they wanted it and asked for it (I feel this is again them brushing it under the carpet so they don’t have to deal with NM who cries when they get stressed or confronted)

I have worked at this company for 7 years under OM, there was never a single problem until NM came along.

I’m at the point where I want to hand my notice in and leave even though I have nothing to go to next, purely because being at that place is pushing me down. There have been other issues, but for me this is reaching breaking point.

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