
Bullwhipping big business

Back when i had a business (was good at it, but hated the shark tank environment) one if the things i learned was that i never actually take “risks”. Stuff like how much im expected to sell or how much inventory i should have were all technically unknown variables, but invest in inventory was never risky because history predicts the projected future pretty damn reliably. Technically though if the market were to do something completely out of character it could seriously mess things up but the market represents the average consumer so you would need a large portion of them to act strangely at the same time. This happened with the toilet paper shortage sudden spike in demand, eventually leads to increased production and inventory over time, but then the sudden decrease in demand leaves them overstocked which is not good. The only issue is the whipping of the bull…

Back when i had a business (was good at it, but hated the shark tank environment) one if the things i learned was that i never actually take “risks”. Stuff like how much im expected to sell or how much inventory i should have were all technically unknown variables, but invest in inventory was never risky because history predicts the projected future pretty damn reliably. Technically though if the market were to do something completely out of character it could seriously mess things up but the market represents the average consumer so you would need a large portion of them to act strangely at the same time. This happened with the toilet paper shortage sudden spike in demand, eventually leads to increased production and inventory over time, but then the sudden decrease in demand leaves them overstocked which is not good.

The only issue is the whipping of the bull would have to be more or less be done in unison. But if we could manage some bullwhip system that is one way to get their attention.

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