I’m 21 years old and after a year of working at Walmart full time I have nothing to show for it but a car, $2,000 and a now destroyed work ethic. My story, though, is about 5% as bad as some of the stories I’ve heard on this sub and I’m stuck between either trying to get by with how things are or trying to actually change something.
I want this world to be a better, easier place for the people in it; my dad at 65 shouldn’t be working his ass off to survive, as a gold miner no less, and still have nothing to show for it; the people who work at Walmart shouldn’t be treated as if they’re just worker bees by the management that exploit them and in turn also get exploited; I’ve been in the workforce for one year and I know I’m still naive but I don’t want this year to be the rest of my life. I want to at least try and make a difference and have no idea where to start.
If I could get some advice, I’d greatly appreciate it, this isn’t a world I want to bring kids into.