
Do you still feel angry about job interviews years later?

Allow me to elaborate. I dislike the job interview format as it's based on lying under the mask of “selling yourself” (I hate that phrase too). Anyways, I still have memories of times where I felt humiliated, patronised and worthless from interview experiences. For example one was in Belfast, UK for a PGCE course where the interviewers were complete corporate, brass necked, hard nosed anuses. I still remember this experience where I felt like I was talked down to like a mostly irrelevant passing curiosity, which then turned to contempt. I have memories of interviews from 12 years ago e.g. an interview for a technical writing role at the Foundry in the UK, where I could only feel revulsion towards the mentality that designed competency based interview questions. You might say “get help” but I think rather than individualising the problem, how about we turn the tables on the innate…

Allow me to elaborate. I dislike the job interview format as it's based on lying under the mask of “selling yourself” (I hate that phrase too).

Anyways, I still have memories of times where I felt humiliated, patronised and worthless from interview experiences. For example one was in Belfast, UK for a PGCE course where the interviewers were complete corporate, brass necked, hard nosed anuses. I still remember this experience where I felt like I was talked down to like a mostly irrelevant passing curiosity, which then turned to contempt. I have memories of interviews from 12 years ago e.g. an interview for a technical writing role at the Foundry in the UK, where I could only feel revulsion towards the mentality that designed competency based interview questions. You might say “get help” but I think rather than individualising the problem, how about we turn the tables on the innate inhumanity of the interview process itself and the worst characteristics it draws out in people who conduct them? The reason I still get occasional flashbacks is due to how hostile the interview process is, it's a hazing and lying ritual against which every fibre of my being recoils. I'm so done with interviews, I can't stomach the thought of doing more of them (have two this week for courses I'm none too keen on).

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