
This situation arose and I need advice.

Context: I work at a restaurant with my Mother and Grandmother and my job specifically is to prep food. My cousin also worked their before moving away for awhile. As things happened at work I would keep him updated on how things were going. I would also tell him things that I thought corporate was doing but I also told my cousin that NOTHING I heard I was 100% was true or not. Telling him also to not file a complaint because A: he doesn’t work there anymore, and B: because we are family it would screw us over. Today I get an alert that 3 of us, Mom, Grandma, and Myself, would likely be fired because of a complaint filed by my cousin. I told him these things MIGHT happen and I always made sure to say “I’m not sure, we’ll see how things go” But he went and…

Context: I work at a restaurant with my Mother and Grandmother and my job specifically is to prep food. My cousin also worked their before moving away for awhile. As things happened at work I would keep him updated on how things were going.

I would also tell him things that I thought corporate was doing but I also told my cousin that NOTHING I heard I was 100% was true or not. Telling him also to not file a complaint because A: he doesn’t work there anymore, and B: because we are family it would screw us over.

Today I get an alert that 3 of us, Mom, Grandma, and Myself, would likely be fired because of a complaint filed by my cousin.

I told him these things MIGHT happen and I always made sure to say “I’m not sure, we’ll see how things go”

But he went and filed the complaint anyways without ANY verification on any of the events I described COULD be happening.

TL:DR; cousin filed a false complaint without any real evidence and non of us know how to fix it…

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