
Is consumption unethical under all circumstances?

We've all seen the Sonic meme about there being no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism. But I had This is random thought that's been bouncing around my head. Is consumption by its nature unethical and if so, should we treat it and understand it as a necessary evil? What do you think? (P.s. please don't be to harsh on me if you disagree/think this is a stupid thought. I'm just curious if anyone's had a similar thought or if there's something to this thought)

We've all seen the Sonic meme about there being no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism. But I had This is random thought that's been bouncing around my head. Is consumption by its nature unethical and if so, should we treat it and understand it as a necessary evil? What do you think?

(P.s. please don't be to harsh on me if you disagree/think this is a stupid thought. I'm just curious if anyone's had a similar thought or if there's something to this thought)

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