
how do you do it ?

my bf has a really hard time working due to severe work anxiety. when he was suicidal due to his job a year ago, he finally quit and hasn’t worked since. his mom writes him a check every month to pay his half of bills. she’s said that she’s struggling to afford to continue to do that and used up her special inheritance savings to pay for the last year. we feel guilty but don’t know what else to do. anytime we even try to browse potential jobs for him, he has a panic attack, so we’ve just avoided it i also have a hard time working due to chronic illness (lyme disease, CFS, and a ton of digestive issues). but i feel like i don’t have any option but to work so i still work 30 hour weeks, then basically collapse when i get home from the workday. even…

my bf has a really hard time working due to severe work anxiety. when he was suicidal due to his job a year ago, he finally quit and hasn’t worked since. his mom writes him a check every month to pay his half of bills. she’s said that she’s struggling to afford to continue to do that and used up her special inheritance savings to pay for the last year. we feel guilty but don’t know what else to do. anytime we even try to browse potential jobs for him, he has a panic attack, so we’ve just avoided it

i also have a hard time working due to chronic illness (lyme disease, CFS, and a ton of digestive issues). but i feel like i don’t have any option but to work so i still work 30 hour weeks, then basically collapse when i get home from the workday. even with working, i can’t afford to see the specialized doctors i’m supposed to be seeing. this isn’t living, and my mental health has also been in a dark place. i don’t know how much longer i can keep doing this

so i came here to ask: what can we do?

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