
I just worked 14 hours, then drove an hour home to get this email as soon as I pull into my driveway

“Good morning [redacted], I am providing you these two pictures to let you know that this does not meet my expectations. We had an entire team of people cleaning the facility yesterday and it is not fair to expect them to clean up after you. We have another set of visitors coming on site this morning and this is quite honestly an embarrassment if they were to see it. We need to change the cultural here in (our facility) that includes holding ourselves accountable to our actions and one of those accountabilities is to clean up after ourselves. I appreciate you as an employee and I am certain that this will not occur again based upon what I know of you. Let's get better and move further down the path of success. Sincerely, District Boss” Let me start by saying, this immediately soured my attitude. I am a pretty great…

“Good morning [redacted],

I am providing you these two pictures to let you know that this does not meet my expectations. We had an entire team of people cleaning the facility yesterday and it is not fair to expect them to clean up after you. We have another set of visitors coming on site this morning and this is quite honestly an embarrassment if they were to see it. We need to change the cultural here in (our facility) that includes holding ourselves accountable to our actions and one of those accountabilities is to clean up after ourselves. I appreciate you as an employee and I am certain that this will not occur again based upon what I know of you. Let's get better and move further down the path of success.


District Boss”

Let me start by saying, this immediately soured my attitude. I am a pretty great worker all things considered, so to get an email about this is very petty.

In the first picture, I don't even know what he's pointing out. It has to be the 3 crumbs on the table, because it has been scratched since before I started. God forbid someone saw remnants that one of the lowly workers had a few morsels of food in the break room.

As for the 2nd, the sink was FULL of dirty dishes for WEEKS, until I finally washed them the other day. I was not thanked for this, and didn't expect to be, but whatever. I am the ONLY one that has done dishes (by HAND, we don't have a dishwasher or anything), with soap that I BOUGHT and brought in because nobody replenished it when it ran out months ago. But suddenly, 2 small dishes left for less than 12 hours is now unacceptable (I'm coming back into work in less than 12 hours and would have washed them then, because those are my dishes, and wouldn't want anyone else to have to wash them anyway.)

Actively seeking a new work environment now, but I hate to because I have benefits currently with them, but some things just irk me the wrong way.

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