
Antarctica’s temperature reached 70°F above its average this month, I think people like us can still make a change.

The top 1% The big monopolies The places we all feel like we're forced to work at or buy products from are the places (and have been as we all know) causing an extreme climate crisis for the life of our planet and on our planet. I posted this like an hour ago and started getting called names and death threats. I didn't come at it very well the first time and didn't realize the way I posted my title sounded like I was saying that the average was now 70°F higher than it used to be. There was a heatwave and during that the temperature made it up to 11°F when it's usually somewhere around -56°F. The coldest place on Earth was about 25°F away from being above freezing. I think we can make a change by voting with our money, buying from the most sustainable places and not…

The top 1%
The big monopolies

The places we all feel like we're forced to work at or buy products from are the places (and have been as we all know) causing an extreme climate crisis for the life of our planet and on our planet.

I posted this like an hour ago and started getting called names and death threats. I didn't come at it very well the first time and didn't realize the way I posted my title sounded like I was saying that the average was now 70°F higher than it used to be.

There was a heatwave and during that the temperature made it up to 11°F when it's usually somewhere around -56°F. The coldest place on Earth was about 25°F away from being above freezing.

I think we can make a change by voting with our money, buying from the most sustainable places and not buying a bunch of stuff that is not helpful or needed. I think we can make a big change by choosing where to work and where not to work and letting each other know about it like we already are. If you need a job, you need a job and I'm not going to say anything against someone doing what they have to in order to survive.

I understand the idea that we can't all just quit our jobs and be picky but if more of us start doing it I'm hoping that it can make a change like it already has.

We are already showing them that we refuse to stay the same and I believe we actually can do something. I'm definitely not good as a talking head, an organizer or someone who can put everything together. I think that's a job for a group of people.

I'm interested in knowing what people think about what's going on, what we can do, if we can do anything, and more information if anyone has any.

Like I mentioned at the top, my last post did not go well. I went in with my heart on my sleeve and definitely was not paying enough attention to how I phrase things or how I phrased the title of my post. I'm going to give it another go and get my morning started.

Hope y'all have at least an okay day, it's been pretty rough for a lot of people as usual and it seems to be weighing heavier than ever before so even if today's not good I hope it's kinda okay.

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