I was in a very shitty situation at my previous employment. Besides the fact of being underpaid and over worked like 90% of the countries workforce, I had the feeling of being taken advantage of for that.
There was an opportunity for a 2 step pay grade, let’s call it Role A, which I applied as my boss continued to hype me up and told me to apply for it. They ended up turning me down for not being in my current role long enough (1 year) for learning purposes.
They end up finding a person to fill this role, leaving her previous role, role B, to be open. They had a plan in place to have her back filled by someone who was in their role for only 2 months.
For the original role, role A, the new person ended up taking leave for 8 months, putting the responsibility on myself, which they said I wasn’t qualified for. Only to come to my YER to be told that I was below expectations for covering that role.
Then I come to find out that said employee came back after 7 months, and took PTO through the rest of the year during the busiest time so they wouldn’t lose it.
Gave in my two weeks, and company seemed not to give 2 shits I was leaving. Point of this is companies can care less as you are replaceable by someone that will do it cheaper, know your self worth!