
Fellas Does the Math/Legal check out here? i dont wanna fuck this up for him.

My partner´s Boss says he made 35 in tips for St Patricks Day Now as far as i was aware in canada your tips are reflected by the amount of hours you worked that day not the entire week and it is illegal to calculate it based on how many hours in the week someones workwd. this is important because his boss cited the reason for him only getting 35 is because he only worked 13 total hours that week, regardless of the fact he cane in early 35 out of that days tips were his. his boss also stated him and the other 2 hardworking employees were all getting “a good amount” for working that day. some things to note, this place is HEAVILY understaffed no more than 20 staff total to the place a running problem with this business. they made over 12 thousand that day pubs and…

My partner´s Boss says he made 35 in tips for St Patricks Day
Now as far as i was aware in canada your tips are reflected by the amount of hours you worked that day not the entire week and it is illegal to calculate it based on how many hours in the week someones workwd.

this is important because his boss cited the reason for him only getting 35 is because he only worked 13 total hours that week, regardless of the fact he cane in early 35 out of that days tips were his.

his boss also stated him and the other 2 hardworking employees were all getting “a good amount” for working that day.

some things to note,

this place is HEAVILY understaffed no more than 20 staff total to the place a running problem with this business.

they made over 12 thousand that day

pubs and bars typically see an 18 to 20% tips as income total.

if everyone made the max like he did they only made 700/12k in tips thats roughly 6% of the total revenue of that day.

This is illegal right? either her “associate” unfairly and illegally did the math on tips wrong,


Their boss is pocketing the extra and giving everyone the runaround.


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