
10 years of busting my ass in working in construction for nothing.

I'm fighting with workers comp right now because after 10 years of hard, bone grinding, soul sucking physical labor, my back finally gave out. I've been sitting at home for 2 fucking months now trying to recover and get back to work and workers comp just now paid me, only to get a phone call after receiving the check telling me that their “doctors” (who have never met with me or even know what I look like) decided that I don't have a herniated disk. They also informed me I wont recieve anymore payments. They haven't even sent me to a doctor yet even though at the emergency room I was told I will need surgery. We are about to lose the fucking house and car. Wife is pregnant with our second child and she had to take a new job to try and bring more money in. I'm fucked…

I'm fighting with workers comp right now because after 10 years of hard, bone grinding, soul sucking physical labor, my back finally gave out.

I've been sitting at home for 2 fucking months now trying to recover and get back to work and workers comp just now paid me, only to get a phone call after receiving the check telling me that their “doctors” (who have never met with me or even know what I look like) decided that I don't have a herniated disk. They also informed me I wont recieve anymore payments. They haven't even sent me to a doctor yet even though at the emergency room I was told I will need surgery.

We are about to lose the fucking house and car. Wife is pregnant with our second child and she had to take a new job to try and bring more money in. I'm fucked man. All those years busting my ass, doing extremely physically demanding work, getting to work at 5 am and getting home at 8 pm and this is where it has landed me. I've applied for new jobs but the only skills I have are heavy equipment skills which I physically won't be able to do anymore.

The weight of everything happening right now is crippling and I'm barely able to keep it together day after day.

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