I work at this very friendly company as soon as I graduated. Awesome ppl here. I do admin work and have been doing the same thing for the past 9 months.
I am late every morning but never get caught cos the boss comes in after me or he has a meeting early and only sees me after I arrive. Im also on my phone for a couple hours every day. Its pretty chill.
So the work I do really has no meaning. It's jus checks so there is no deadline. I also did mention my current everyday duties to my boss recently when we had a review saying I do x, y, z. Because he doesn't know much of what I do he doesn't check up on me at all.
So i had a meeting with a person with the same role as mine that works at a sibling company and found that she does x work in 1.5hrs. It takes me the whole shift to do x work. Iam only a bit behind on work tho.
How dead am I if/when they find out I'm jus getting free money essentialy? Should I jump ship before I'm caught?
Ps. I dont really care much for this job as its not part my career path. Jus do in for some money. 15k savings made so far and atleast half of it I got for being on my phone 😛