So I was due for a raise on Dec 7th 2021. The raise discussed was a 2 dollar one from 13 to 15 per hour. On Dec 7th they said my raise was post poned because the date for it is “too close to the time of yearly evals” and that I'd have to wait for my eval. And that would happen in January. A week before Christmas they tell us that the insurance changed and now we have to pay 40% of the rate. They cover 60% they gave us a .80 raise to incentivice people working overtime to fully cover their 40%. We used to get health insurance for free unless it was a family plan. They end of January comes with many excuses as to why I haven't had an eval. Promising me im on the top of the list. I wasn't. I didn't get my eval till last week. I get my check and they tool the .80 for health insurance out. My wage is now 15 not 15.80 like it's supposed to be. I ask them today why this is and they said I got a 9% raise already and that they already raised me to .80 in Jan. That my raise was 1.20. Meanwhile they like many other companies had their best year in sales. I'm an 1/2 ppl in the dep my managers have been one after another out the door and most cases ik how to do my job more than the manager does.