
Mid-30s. I’ve never worked because I’m disabled. I’m planning on finishing a degree and joining the workforce. What should I say on my resume?

Really. I've only worked on the occasional display fireworks show. I used to be an activist. I've finished three years of an undergrad psychology degree. I'm an autodidact who loves to learn and educate others. I've lived below the poverty line on a disability pension for my entire adult life. I'm autistic. I have ADHD, C-PTSD, chronic pain, and delayed sleep phase disorder. I've recently found an ADHD med that actually works. I'm a completely different person. I'm as organized as a goddamned librarian. I have no idea how I ever functioned before taking it. Incredibly, my sleep disorder has vanished. I can fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. One of my sleep specialists commented: “Sometimes these things happen and we have no idea why.” My plan is to spend the next few years catching up on reading and writing. I don't consider it frivolous. I'll…

Really. I've only worked on the occasional display fireworks show. I used to be an activist. I've finished three years of an undergrad psychology degree. I'm an autodidact who loves to learn and educate others.

I've lived below the poverty line on a disability pension for my entire adult life. I'm autistic. I have ADHD, C-PTSD, chronic pain, and delayed sleep phase disorder. I've recently found an ADHD med that actually works. I'm a completely different person. I'm as organized as a goddamned librarian. I have no idea how I ever functioned before taking it. Incredibly, my sleep disorder has vanished. I can fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. One of my sleep specialists commented: “Sometimes these things happen and we have no idea why.”

My plan is to spend the next few years catching up on reading and writing. I don't consider it frivolous. I'll be reading textbooks on biology and conservation, books on how to write, books on social justice, advanced sociology and psychology books meant for graduate students, and much more. Hundreds of books. Most are fairly tough reading material. The rest, like my long list of horror books, are just for fun.

I'm learning how to write science articles. I'm also beginning a memoir on poverty and homelessness and the psychological toll they take. This is work. It won't pay me, but I know I'll find it really rewarding.

In 2025, I'm starting an online cybersecurity bachelor's degree program. I'm hoping to land a lucrative job. I'm not against working if it's satisfying and well-compensated.

Problem: how the hell do I write a resume with practically zero formal work experience? I'll be almost forty. I wish I could just tell the truth, but I don't think it'll fly. I could really use some advice on what to say to a potential employer.

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