
I discovered something unsettling

I verify insurance at a small dental office in San Francisco. We have many patients who work in tech and more than half of the tech workers work at either Facebook or Google. Let’s just say, these patients have a VERY generous insurance package. More than what would need to be covered for a standard year. However, a friend of mine who works for one of these aforementioned companies as a maintenance crew member (still fully employed by the company and has access to the companies cafeteria, parking, etc.) reached out to me to verify his insurance to see what would be covered at our office. I was SHOCKED to find out that he didn’t even have the same dental insurance provider let alone a PPO plan. He relayed to me that he only had one dental plan option. This friend of mine works very hard and has been with…

I verify insurance at a small dental office in San Francisco. We have many patients who work in tech and more than half of the tech workers work at either Facebook or Google. Let’s just say, these patients have a VERY generous insurance package. More than what would need to be covered for a standard year.
However, a friend of mine who works for one of these aforementioned companies as a maintenance crew member (still fully employed by the company and has access to the companies cafeteria, parking, etc.) reached out to me to verify his insurance to see what would be covered at our office. I was SHOCKED to find out that he didn’t even have the same dental insurance provider let alone a PPO plan. He relayed to me that he only had one dental plan option. This friend of mine works very hard and has been with the company for almost 6 years. The sheer notion that this company gives better health care plans to someone who works at a “desk job” is sickening.
No matter what you do to contribute to a company you still have a body, teeth, and eyes that need care! How can one of the most affluent and fast growing companies be so stingy to their janitorial staff? There’s already a social divide between service workers and white collar employees but my Jesus does it need to be so literal behind the scenes?!?!

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