
Almost ready to get out.

I work for a private locator business that contracts work from the big utilities so they don't have to pay union workers or for that matter pay a high wage for their own people to do what I do. It's an absolute shit show of punishment if you even step one foot out of line for driving, for trying to unionize, for trying to even safely drive and so much more. The job itself is something I'd honestly say I enjoy, it's not hard, very straightforward and outdoors. Sometimes homeowners are a little trouble but mostly they know why we are there. The company though, I went two years with no issues. Got awards, prizes and even made a few positive drives for the company in regards to some contractors who had issues with some previous employees. Now, after a bad day in the middle of a blizzard, a ticket…

I work for a private locator business that contracts work from the big utilities so they don't have to pay union workers or for that matter pay a high wage for their own people to do what I do.

It's an absolute shit show of punishment if you even step one foot out of line for driving, for trying to unionize, for trying to even safely drive and so much more.

The job itself is something I'd honestly say I enjoy, it's not hard, very straightforward and outdoors. Sometimes homeowners are a little trouble but mostly they know why we are there.

The company though, I went two years with no issues. Got awards, prizes and even made a few positive drives for the company in regards to some contractors who had issues with some previous employees.

Now, after a bad day in the middle of a blizzard, a ticket for a parking permit we have never been required to obtain, and a minor accident which I never claimed wasn't my fault (which was treated as if I had hit someone or damaged property) I've just been blackballed for a bad month.

From gaslighting from the higher ups who haven't touched any equipment related to the field, to VPs that are best buds with the Ps and that's how they got their jobs. To no defence against angry drivers just wanting to be a huge problem and calling in false claims. This shit is why I left corporate world for 4 years and learned a trade/craft (sadly that company went under).

Fuck grifting corporate rich pockets looking down from their ivory towers.

Now I gotta learn how to write a CV cause everything wants it these days…

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