
Told to “just not come into work anymore” when I submitted my two weeks notice.

I've been working at a country wide retailer doing in home electronic installations for the past couple of months while between jobs. The job itself is fine, but it is absolutely not a career path I had planned on furthering and told the hiring team exactly what they wanted to hear during the hiring process process so I could have a paycheck in the meantime while still looking for better opportunities. On Monday I got an offer letter from a job that I have accepted that will give me a $10 pay increase from the $19 an hour I've been stuck at for years which is absolutely life changing, as well as actual fantastic benefits. I am extremely excited to begin this new step of my career and hopefully stay there for many years as I truly do not like going from job to job even with it being a…

I've been working at a country wide retailer doing in home electronic installations for the past couple of months while between jobs. The job itself is fine, but it is absolutely not a career path I had planned on furthering and told the hiring team exactly what they wanted to hear during the hiring process process so I could have a paycheck in the meantime while still looking for better opportunities.

On Monday I got an offer letter from a job that I have accepted that will give me a $10 pay increase from the $19 an hour I've been stuck at for years which is absolutely life changing, as well as actual fantastic benefits. I am extremely excited to begin this new step of my career and hopefully stay there for many years as I truly do not like going from job to job even with it being a necessity for a real pay raise such as the one I'm about to receive.

As I clocked into work on Tuesday, I decided to give my boss a call and let him know the news. I left him a voicemail and he gave me a call back a few minutes later. I informed him I found a new job, and he immediately went from a fantastic boss that was supportive of me to someone who wanted nothing at all to do with me.

I had injured my back a few weeks ago and was out of work for those few weeks, while then getting extremely sick and was out for some more time last week. He was completely understanding and supportive during the entire process. However, upon me letting him know I got a new job it was like a switch flipped and there was nothing but animosity. He informed me that it was extremely unprofessional that I was giving him a notice that was not a full two weeks (it was a day shy of two weeks) and that it was expensive for them to bring on new employees and that it was a detriment for me to do this. I just listened and said “yep, uhuh” to his statements as I truly have nothing to fight against. I know what I'm doing and do not care.

Near the end of the call he stated that during the interview process we discussed me finding other jobs to which I apparently stated I wasn't and that he wished I was transparent with him. He inquired if I remembered this conversation, to which I said no as I truly don't what so ever. I was in a fog saying exactly what they wanted to hear at that time so I could get hired. Upon him hearing me say I don't remember, he got quiet, asked me where my new job was to which I was as vague as possible, wished me lucked with my day and new job and hung up. I finished my day fully expecting to work until the 9th.

As I'm sitting at home eating dinner, my boss gave me a call after work hours. He told me he finished making the schedule for the week and that he “just doesn't see how I can help anyone” and to “just not come into work anymore”. I simply said “yep, uhuh” and again didn't fight anything. I don't know if he liked that response or not as the call ended pretty soon after.

I am fully aware of what I'm doing and I do not care. I do not care that a national retailer lost money with me being hired and working there for only a few months. I do not care that my manager has to deal with the fallout of me leaving. My coworkers there were cool and the job was totally fine, but I simply am worth more elsewhere and found that opportunity which I hope to ride out for as long as possible due to it being literally lifechanging in the amount that I'm paid and the benefits it will provide. Also I still have my employee discount and have not received my final paycheck due to (I'm pretty sure) being told to not come in anymore rather than being actually let go properly.

So now I have a three week vacation as I wait to start at my new job which I hope to have for as long as possible. They were fantastic in the interview process and offered me my highest possible asking salary without any hesitation what so ever which still has me in awe. That alone already has me ready to put in the effort to be a fantastic employee for them and stay there as long as possible.

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