
My work fired me before I started

I got hired, a uniform, filled out every form they gave me. I asked if there was anything else and they said no. I warned them ahead of time that I live in an area without service atm. I went into town every second day to get service and I find out apparently there's 5 emails worth of shit that I had to do on a separate app that they sent on Friday at 4:45pm. That entire weekend I flooded and had no service or contact with the outside world. On Tuesday I was sent an email saying they've terminated my employment before I even started because I 'didn't have a sufficient amount of contact with them. I warned them, tried my best to get a job because I'm ridiculously desperate and despite them and I quote “needing about 70 people to function at full capacity but being short 30…

I got hired, a uniform, filled out every form they gave me. I asked if there was anything else and they said no. I warned them ahead of time that I live in an area without service atm. I went into town every second day to get service and I find out apparently there's 5 emails worth of shit that I had to do on a separate app that they sent on Friday at 4:45pm. That entire weekend I flooded and had no service or contact with the outside world. On Tuesday I was sent an email saying they've terminated my employment before I even started because I 'didn't have a sufficient amount of contact with them. I warned them, tried my best to get a job because I'm ridiculously desperate and despite them and I quote “needing about 70 people to function at full capacity but being short 30 people” they cut me.
Am I wrong for being angry that I got cut for factors beyond my control? They never even gave me a chance

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